curious notions — Blog — Thomas Chen Photography

curious notions

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

The last time Linda was in town, we took a quick trip to check out the unique BAPS temple in Stafford.  BAPS is a Hindu temple that took 28 months to build and consists of 33,000 pieces of hand-carved Italian marble and Turkish limestone.  All of the marble pieces were assembled together like a jigsaw puzzle.  This beautiful temple makes for a great backdrop for Linda to practice her best modeling poses.

baps shri swaminarayan mandir
baps shri swaminarayan mandir
baps shri swaminarayan mandir
baps shri swaminarayan mandir
baps shri swaminarayan mandir
baps shri swaminarayan mandir

Houston Nights with Linda

Lately whenever my friend Linda comes to town, we try to do photography related activities since she has been learning more and more about photography.  

We recently went out and to capture a few long exposures from a nearby rooftop with a great view of downtown.  

We then hopped around to a few more spots so Linda could get more familiar with her new tripod.

Here are a few pictures from the first time we went around to a few spots around downtown Houston. 

Curious Notions

Maintaining long distance friendships is tough, but it's been effortless with my good friend Linda.  She runs not just one, but TWO great blogs.  She has a personal blog and a food blog (you should go check out her blogs NOW).  We haven't lived in the same city since 2006, but we've managed to talk to each other frequently and see each other on a semi-regular basis.   We've helped each other with anything as small as simple directions to a restaurant, to bigger life problems like relationship woes or venting about personal problems.   After 14 years, I'm glad to have her as one of my best friends so I'd like to dedicate a post just for her.

Even though I have tons of embarrassing pictures of her, here's a collection of my favorites over the years.

Just for good measure, here she is as a bobble head.