From Amalfi, you can take a bus up to the exquisitely beautiful town of Ravello. It's not a short bus ride and the bus tends to be crowded since they don't run as often to Ravello. Also, there is one point along the way where the road is only wide enough for one vehicle (the other side is a sharp drop down the cliff.) Therefore, there's a long wait until the light changes in order to allow the other cars to go. So, if you get claustrophobic or aren't able to stand for a long period of time, I would recommend spending the extra money for a cab. However, once you get to Ravello, the views are simply captivating!
Here's the entrance to Villa Rufolo, a building that dates back to the thirteenth century. Unassuming at this point, just wait until you get inside...
Bell Tower of Villa Rufolo
One of the best views on the Amalfi Coast. Keep walking a bit more...
And you'll get this amazing view of the iconic cliffside gardens!
Despite the heat, the flowers managed to stay cheerful and bright. As if they know they can not surrender to summer's influence. With the deepest of blues and lush green mountains in the horizon, how disappointing would that be??
Did I mention that the Amalfi Coast is beautiful?
Inside of Villa Rufolo
Several steps like this surround the perimeter of Ravello. If you have the time, walk as many of those steps as you can. You'll see why...
You'll get a mix of historic architecture alongside a glimpse into the simple lifestyles of those who keep Ravello so authentic. The terraced gardens and linen-lined clotheslines make you wonder if their lives are as romantic as you picture them to be.
Without a doubt, Ravello has some of the best views on the Amalfi Coast. It's hard to envision our honeymoon getting any better than this...